One-Stop Shopping
lt can be time consuming and money wasting to look for products other than tiles.e.g, furniture, metal ware, lamps, etc. Come to Ai Jia. We save the trouble andcosts for you. Our professional export team can satisfy customer special demands.we can find you tiles, furniture, metal ware, and any building materials and furnitureyou look for from our partners. Of course, all will be good quality at competitiveprices.
Think about the money and time you can save. lf one container is not filled withtiles, you can stack in furniture and other products to lower the average shippingcost. More importantly, it takes time and efforts, let's admit it, to find a decentsupplier. However, we have reliable suppliers in place to supply any products youneed. You don't need to spend weeks or months to screen though potentialsuppliers and miss your booked freight.
Our one-stop shopping service offers you a money and time saving solution toimport furniture and building materials from China.